• 12 mm thick chain with loop and fabric cover to prevent damage to the motorcycle's paintwork
• The chain, 16 mm bolt, lock body and support elements of the locking mechanism are made of specially hardened steel
• Alarm function based on the ABUS 3D detection system, which means that every movement is recorded.
• Alarm function with at least 100 dB for 15 seconds. Thereafter, automatic reactivation
• The locks can be transported in a locked state without an activated detection system thanks to the automatic brake protection recognition system
• Various acoustic signals inform about battery and activation status
• ABUS XPlus cylinder for highest protection against manipulations
• Two keys are supplied with the lock
• ABUS key code card for additional or replacement keys
• One CR2 battery for the alarm function is included
*Esimerkki edellyttää, että korko ja kulut eivät muutu esimerkin maksuajan aikana. Luoton muusta käytöstä voi myös seurata korkeampi tai alempi todellinen vuosikorko. Todellinen vuosikorko on laskettu Kuluttajaviraston ohjesääntöjen mukaisesti. Erikoismaksuehdoissa voi olla ilmoitettuna vähimmäiskuukausierä, joka voi aiheuttaa korkeamman kuukausierän kuin luottolaskurilla saatava kuukausierä. Tässä tapauksessa takaisinmaksuaika lyhenee. RB käsittelee luottohakemuksen lain mukaisesti. RB säilyttää itsellään vapaan harkintaoikeuden.
**Mahd tilimaksu maksetaan kuukausi valinnan jälkeen.
The GRANIT Detecto XPlus 8008 2.0 exceptional protection for exceptional motorbikes
The lock boasts a 16mm thick locking bolt made of specially hardened steel. Thanks to the integrated electronic warning system, the lock will trigger the 100dB alarm for 15 seconds if anyone attempts to move your locked bike. Afterwards, the GRANIT Detecto XPlus 8008 2.0 automatically re-arms itself. The integrated 3D position detection technology reacts to the slightest movement. The ABUS XPlus cylinder offers protection against lock picking.
The GRANIT Detecto XPlus 8008 2.0 includes a key with an integrated LED torch and a manually operated keyhole cover to protect against dirt and corrosion.
12 mm thick chain with loop and fabric cover to prevent damage to the motorcycle's paintwork
The chain, 16 mm bolt, lock body and support elements of the locking mechanism are made of specially hardened steel
Alarm function based on the ABUS 3D detection system, which means that every movement is recorded.
Alarm function with at least 100 dB for 15 seconds. Thereafter, automatic reactivation
The locks can be transported in a locked state without an activated detection system thanks to the automatic brake protection recognition system
Various acoustic signals inform about battery and activation status
ABUS XPlus cylinder for highest protection against manipulations
Two keys are supplied with the lock
ABUS key code card for additional or replacement keys
One CR2 battery for the alarm function is included