The Barryvox® S Package has all the avalanche equipment you need for freeriding, off-piste runs or ski touring. It contains the reliable Barryvox® S avalanche transceiver, the lightweight Probe 240 and the small, compact Alugator Ride avalanche shovel. The digital-analog, 3-antenna Barryvox® S avalanche transceiver scores highly thanks to its extremely simple operation, an effective search strip width of 70 meters and clear instructions. The aluminum avalanche Probe 240 is safe and easy to use, even when wearing gloves. And the packing volume is reduced to the minimum with the Alugator Ride shovel, which features a blade made of hardened, anodized aluminum. This set forms the basis of standard safety equipment.
*Esimerkki edellyttää, että korko ja kulut eivät muutu esimerkin maksuajan aikana. Luoton muusta käytöstä voi myös seurata korkeampi tai alempi todellinen vuosikorko. Todellinen vuosikorko on laskettu Kuluttajaviraston ohjesääntöjen mukaisesti. Erikoismaksuehdoissa voi olla ilmoitettuna vähimmäiskuukausierä, joka voi aiheuttaa korkeamman kuukausierän kuin luottolaskurilla saatava kuukausierä. Tässä tapauksessa takaisinmaksuaika lyhenee. RB käsittelee luottohakemuksen lain mukaisesti. RB säilyttää itsellään vapaan harkintaoikeuden.
**Mahd tilimaksu maksetaan kuukausi valinnan jälkeen.
The Barryvox® S Package has all the avalanche equipment you need for freeriding, off-piste runs or ski touring. It contains the reliable Barryvox® S avalanche transceiver, the lightweight Probe 240 and the small, compact Alugator Ride avalanche shovel. The digital-analog, 3-antenna Barryvox® S avalanche transceiver scores highly thanks to its extremely simple operation, an effective search strip width of 70 meters and clear instructions. The aluminum avalanche Probe 240 is safe and easy to use, even when wearing gloves. And the packing volume is reduced to the minimum with the Alugator Ride shovel, which features a blade made of hardened, anodized aluminum. This set forms the basis of standard safety equipment. BarryvoxS®, digital-analog 3-antenna avalanche transceiver The BarryvoxS® Package has all the avalanche equipment you need for freeriding, off-piste runs and ski touring Probe 240: lightweight aluminum avalanche probe
Package contentsBarryvox® S incl. batteries 210 g|Probe 240: 240 g|Alugator Ride: 740 g CutBasic