Polisport ProOctane is much more than a regular utility can. The can is produced with highly durable and resistant walls and includes a leak-proof cap for transport. The cap has also an oil/fuel mix gauge so you can identify the fuel mix and, with the utility can, comes an oil mixer included. The two-handle design was developed to make the filling process easy and effortless if you're using the Hose filling system or the Quick Fill Spout. There are also some accessories available to use with Polisport?s ProOctane: The Filling Hose + Cap, that will make the re-filling process easy, with a fluid stream of gas. This includes an auto-stop system so you can avoid the spillage of fuel; Also available separately, the Filling Hose (w/ cap); and very soon; the quick fill system for those who need to make quick re-fills of fuel.
*Esimerkki edellyttää, että korko ja kulut eivät muutu esimerkin maksuajan aikana. Luoton muusta käytöstä voi myös seurata korkeampi tai alempi todellinen vuosikorko. Todellinen vuosikorko on laskettu Kuluttajaviraston ohjesääntöjen mukaisesti. Erikoismaksuehdoissa voi olla ilmoitettuna vähimmäiskuukausierä, joka voi aiheuttaa korkeamman kuukausierän kuin luottolaskurilla saatava kuukausierä. Tässä tapauksessa takaisinmaksuaika lyhenee. RB käsittelee luottohakemuksen lain mukaisesti. RB säilyttää itsellään vapaan harkintaoikeuden.
**Mahd tilimaksu maksetaan kuukausi valinnan jälkeen.
Polisport ProOctane is much more than a regular utility can. The can is produced with highly durable and resistant walls and includes a leak-proof cap for transport. The cap has also an oil/fuel mix gauge so you can identify the fuel mix and, with the utility can, comes an oil mixer included. The two-handle design was developed to make the filling process easy and effortless if you're using the Hose filling system or the Quick Fill Spout. There are also some accessories available to use with Polisport?s ProOctane: The Filling Hose + Cap, that will make the re-filling process easy, with a fluid stream of gas. This includes an auto-stop system so you can avoid the spillage of fuel; Also available separately, the Filling Hose (w/ cap); and very soon; the quick fill system for those who need to make quick re-fills of fuel.