Boost the visibility of your motorcycle with the new range of Beam 2.0 auxiliary lights from Puig.
Universal headlights with low consumption LED technology and aluminum protection in a black finish, informs the maximum lightning so that the rider can enjoy night routes, as well as substantially improve the visibility of your vehicle with respect to other riders. In addition, their design and material allow the new BEAM 2.0 auxiliary lights to perfectly fit to the aesthetic line of your motorcycle.
BEAM 2.0 auxiliary lights are equipped with a fuse and wiring for direct connection to the battery and a waterproof switch adaptable to the handlebar. Its aluminum casing is specially designed to promote heat dissipation.
Technical features:
Consumption: 15 W (for each light)
Voltage: DC 12V
Lumens: 1000 LM (for each light)
Material: PC Lenses / Aluminum protection in black finish
*Esimerkki edellyttää, että korko ja kulut eivät muutu esimerkin maksuajan aikana. Luoton muusta käytöstä voi myös seurata korkeampi tai alempi todellinen vuosikorko. Todellinen vuosikorko on laskettu Kuluttajaviraston ohjesääntöjen mukaisesti. Erikoismaksuehdoissa voi olla ilmoitettuna vähimmäiskuukausierä, joka voi aiheuttaa korkeamman kuukausierän kuin luottolaskurilla saatava kuukausierä. Tässä tapauksessa takaisinmaksuaika lyhenee. RB käsittelee luottohakemuksen lain mukaisesti. RB säilyttää itsellään vapaan harkintaoikeuden.
**Mahd tilimaksu maksetaan kuukausi valinnan jälkeen.
Boost the visibility of your motorcycle with the new range of Beam 2.0 auxiliary lights from Puig._x005F\r\r\n_x005F\r\r\nUniversal headlights with low consumption LED technology and aluminum protection in a black finish, informs the maximum lightning so that the rider can enjoy night routes, as well as substantially improve the visibility of your vehicle with respect to other riders. In addition, their design and material allow the new BEAM 2.0 auxiliary lights to perfectly fit to the aesthetic line of your motorcycle._x005F\r\r\n_x005F\r\r\nBEAM 2.0 auxiliary lights are equipped with a fuse and wiring for direct connection to the battery and a waterproof switch adaptable to the handlebar. Its aluminum casing is specially designed to promote heat dissipation._x005F\r\r\n_x005F\r\r\nTechnical features:_x005F\r\r\nConsumption: 15 W (for each light)_x005F\r\r\nVoltage: DC 12V_x005F\r\r\nLumens: 1000 LM (for each light)_x005F\r\r\nMaterial: PC Lenses / Aluminum protection in black finish_x005F